Monday, September 15, 2014

Understanding Concepts

FUNCTION - RESPONSIBILITY - PERSPECTIVE Saat sedang belajar mengenai tugas dan tanggung jawab pemerintah kepada komunitas/warganya siswa Kelas 6 menunjukkan pemahaman mereka mengenai 3 konsep dasar yang menjadi fokus saat ini. KOnsep-konsep tersebut adalah FUNGSI, TANGGUNG JAWAB dan PERSPEKTIF. Berikut adalah hasil diskusi mereka dalam kelompok kecil: FUNGSI KOMUNITAS: * works in groups * need rules to work * has consequences * people have different responsibilities and need to work together * a community works with a leader * types of leaders are RT, RW, Lurah, Walikota, Presiden * warga dalam sebuah komunitas harus disiplin * communities need each other to finish something but also need someone to keep everything under control * harus ada kerjasama antara pemerintah dan warga What are the RESPONSIBILITY for the people in the community? * following rules around the community * accepting consequences * giving ideas * leadership * respect * caring for everybody * cooperation * integrity * appreciation * tolerance PERSPECTIVE about community: * different points of view * socialize * the opinion of people * family leaders usually are parents

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